| The Secure Hardware Wallet*

Trezor's official setup process involved visiting the website "" to initiate the setup of a Trezor hardware wallet. Please note that developments may have occurred since then, and

Trezor's official setup process involved visiting the website "" to initiate the setup of a Trezor hardware wallet. Please note that developments may have occurred since then, and users are advised to refer to the latest information on the official Trezor website for the most accurate guidance.

Setting Up Trezor via

  1. Purchase a Trezor Device:

    • Begin by purchasing a Trezor hardware wallet from the official Trezor website ( or from an authorized reseller. Ensure that the device is sealed and hasn't been tampered with to guarantee its authenticity.

  2. Visit

    • Connect the Trezor device to your computer using the provided USB cable. Open a web browser and go to the official Trezor setup page at ""

  3. Choose Your Trezor Model:

    • Trezor offers different models, such as Trezor One and Trezor Model T. On the setup page, select the Trezor model you purchased to proceed with the specific setup instructions for that model.

  4. Download Trezor Bridge or Trezor Suite:

    • Depending on your Trezor model, you will be prompted to download either Trezor Bridge or Trezor Suite. These are software components that facilitate communication between your Trezor device and your computer.

    • Trezor Bridge: If you're using Trezor One, you may need to download Trezor Bridge, a lightweight software that enables communication between your Trezor device and your browser.

    • Trezor Suite: For Trezor Model T users, Trezor Suite is a more comprehensive software suite that provides additional features and a more user-friendly interface.

  5. Install and Run Trezor Bridge or Trezor Suite:

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to install and run Trezor Bridge or Trezor Suite on your computer. These software components are necessary for your Trezor device to communicate securely with your computer.

  6. Follow the On-Screen Instructions:

    • Once the software is installed, the setup page will guide you through the on-screen instructions. This typically involves initializing your Trezor device, setting up a secure PIN, and generating a recovery seed.

  7. Generate Recovery Seed:

    • During the setup process, your Trezor device will generate a recovery seed, which is a series of words. This recovery seed is a crucial backup that allows you to recover your funds in case your Trezor device is lost, damaged, or needs to be restored.

  8. Securely Store the Recovery Seed:

    • It is of utmost importance to securely store the recovery seed. Write it down on the provided recovery sheet and keep it in a safe, offline location. Never share your recovery seed with anyone, as it provides full access to your funds.

  9. Access Trezor Wallet Interface:

    • After completing the setup, you can access the Trezor wallet interface through Trezor Bridge or Trezor Suite. Here, you can manage your cryptocurrency holdings, check balances, and initiate secure transactions.

  10. Regularly Update Firmware:

    • Trezor periodically releases firmware updates to enhance security and introduce new features. It is recommended to check for and apply firmware updates regularly to ensure the ongoing security of your Trezor device.

Remember that the information provided here is based on my last knowledge update in January 2022. For the latest and most accurate instructions, users should always refer to the official Trezor website and documentation.

Last updated